Vicki MahonyComment


Vicki MahonyComment

Originally the Amber Run show was to be at The Opera House, but ended up getting moved to the Horseshoe Tavern. It was surprising that they moved from a 950 capacity venue to a 400 capacity venue. Arriving after the opener was a bad idea this time around because the iconic checkered floor was packed and at this bar venue, of course, there’s no photo pit. I squeezed my way in with camera at hand.

Six piece indie/alt band from Nottingham, England arrived on stage and got down to the music right away. They popped the night, rocking out with guitar solos and escalating cymbals on the drums, but still with a dreamy overtone. Throughout their songs, they had wonderful harmonies in their backing and primary vocals. Lead singer Joshua Keogh’s voice sort of reminded me of Canadian music icon Gord Downie in his howls, but higher pitched and with an English accent. He held his notes wonderfully and it was hypnotizing to witness.

Amber Run said, “We’ll enter the particularly depressing part.” “Woooo!!” the crowd replied. The slower part of the night came around with songs that pulsated in synths, drowned out soft drumming, and held a higher focus on Josh’s lovely vocals. One of the songs was just an echoey acoustic song sung by Josh which had the crowd gazing and listening quietly. They bounced the energy back up with some songs that felt almost pop rock, and that you could dance around to. This really got people jumping and clapping. What I liked about them is that they never begged the crowd to dance around, they just did their songs, which I like. The music also inspired a couple to get engaged on stage!

Amber Run really were incredibly versatile with moods throughout their set. Their set went from rocking out to depressing ballads, uplifting crescendo songs, dancey songs, and spacey songs. However, even with all the mood changes, they managed to feel consistent in their sound. Amber Run’s music was best for those looking to uplift their spirits or feel comforted. There’s a warm feeling seeing them, whatever mood you’re in.