Vicki MahonyComment


Vicki MahonyComment

Real rock n roll ladies. 

Montréal natives NOBRO released their first ever EP Sick Hustle on April 17th. The hype for this group of ladies is rising as they caught the attention of popular rock/punk bands like PUP, Alexisonfire, The Distillers, and FIDLAR. Sound Bites Media covered them when they opened up for Pkew Pkew Pkew back in January. There was definitely a fire inside them as they performed and their new album shows the same.

Sick Hustle begins with a rebellious attitude in “Don’t Die” with buzzing, rustic riffs and aggressive cheerleader group vocals yelling about memories of a past lover and removing them with the mess of cocaine and wine. The end of the song turns into complete and awesome chaos in exclamation of, “I’m not dead!”, a killer guitar solo, and a moment on the bongos. 

Next played: “Till I Get It All” is fast-paced punk that comes at you all at once. It ends abruptly in 2:27 minutes but you still need more. Open up the pit! There seems to be some supporting keys that play along the guitar riffs that add a cartoon theme song type of vibe.

Track number three “Don’t Wanna Talk About It” is a mean, snarky song that has an Arctic Monkeys Favourite Worst Nightmare kind of vibe. Lyrically the song isn’t particularly about anything, but its wordplay is nicely flowing. This is a highlight in songwriting on this record.

At last is “Marianna”, which is lyric heavy versus “Don’t Wanna Talk About It”. It’s about looking back on a current relationship where the spark is fading. This track has a pop flavour with its use of sound effects and bongo pops. The punk is toned down but still the foundation of the song. It’s so easy to get stuck in your head with it’s easy to pick up lyrics and catchy flow. 

NOBRO recently signed with Dine Alone Records which Sick Hustle is released with. Canadian rock/punk fans/peers have their eyes on this band as they show full promise for a consistent sound that keeps up with the boys of the genre. The band has a purpose to be unashamed of being skilled female rock ‘n roll chicks, and as long as they stick to being themselves and working hard, they can definitely achieve this. They know skepticism will, and has, come their way, but that isn’t stopping them from making genuinely solid punk tracks and achieving respect by amazing rock/punk bands.

Lead singer Kathryn McCaughey’s vocals are perfect for the genre as she’s wild without sounding shrill. Sarah Dion is a killer drummer with lots of great influences. Keep an eye of these girls to take on the punk/rock world very soon.