It is a common fact that everyone knows - the Indie Rock scene is not the most appealing style of music right now. The acts that can be classified under this category are less and less programmed. So, it is only right that when the amazing production team of Cold Fame started these regular “Messe” to present different indie rock bands, we tried to go there as much as we could.

DeWolff was programmed tonight. The indie Dutch rock band is on an extensive EU tour. They released their newest album at the beginning of January, Tascam Tapes. The title of this album perfectly fits the spirit of the music, as it was recorded only using a 4 tracks Tascam recorder - the simplicity and immediacy of rock n’ roll at its best.

The Wow Signal opened for DeWolff tonight. They are a local (from Lyon) 3 piece-band, well versed in psyche rock and infectious melodies. To be honest, that is the second main reason why I love coming to these nights organized by Cold Fame. They always choose, with great intelligence, local bands to open for the main act, which means that there is a big chance to discover new and amazing local bands. In this case, The Wow Signal played a short, but very neat and intense set of 35 minutes. I loved their acute sense of melody. The wild edge of psyche is perfectly balanced with some catchy guitar melodic lines.  It is a perfect way to convince people to go see them for a full headline show.

The three musicians from The Netherlands in DeWolff quickly established that they perfectly embody that spirit of raw rock n’ roll. Juggling between guitar, keyboard and drums, they definitely seemed to have a lot of fun on stage. The crowd immediately reacted to the ambient joy by singing and dancing along the whole night. They mainly played songs from their recent album Tascam Tapes, starting with “Made it to 27”, but also “Blood Meridian I and II”. The encore started with the groovy “It Ain’t Easy”, featuring the voices of the spectators on the choruses. There were some difficult conditions for the band (they were robbed of their personal effects the night before in Bordeaux), they nevertheless assured a stellar performance for the audience. 

See you next time, lads!